Betty Adams

Areas of interest
- Cosmetic adornment
- Non-destructive residue analysis
- Iron Age Jordan
Research centres and groups
Objects, Materials and People Research ClusterResearch projects
Cultural Continuity of ancient cosmetic residue analysis and anthropological implications of cosmetic adornment in the ancient Near East.
Our research focuses on the residue analyses of cosmetic artefacts from Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Southern Levant, utilizing GCMS, pXRF, SEM-EDS and FTIR methodologies. Over the last century cosmetic artefacts such as kohl pots, palettes, mortars, and shells have been investigated morphologically and comparatively from individual excavation sites. This research aims to look holistically at cosmetic residue from a wide variety of sites, using numerous collections to link cosmetic adornment practises chemically and geographically and the transfer of cosmetic technology in the ancient Near East. Artifacts are from a variety of sites and time periods. The extraction protocols developed are utilized in museums, the field and university labs.
Professor Roger Matthews (University of Reading)
Dr John McKendrick (University of Reading)