Chemical Analysis Facility
Electron Microscopy Laboratory (EMLab)
EMLab contains a comprehensive range of microscopes.
The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is one of the most versatile and widely used tool of modern science as it allows the study of both morphology and composition of biological and physical materials.
The Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) allows users to determine the internal structure of materials, both of biological or non-biological origin.
Light Microscope
The Centre has a number of light microscopes, which can be used in their own right, or to complement out other instruments.
Preparation facilities
EMLab provides extensive facilities for preparation of samples for microscopy.
Sample Preparation Laboratory
The Centre provides a variety of sample preparation facilities.
Microtomy Facility
Microtomy encompasses a range of techniques used to produce thin slices, or sections, of samples for examination by microscopy.
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