There are a number of different professional support and service providers that you can access through the University, all of which are available to support you. The Wellbeing pages on the staff portal provide information and links to a comprehensive range of support services.
Employee assistance programme - Confidential Care
These pages can be found on the HR section of the intranet. They are closed pages so you will need your University username and password to access them.
Confidential Care is independent, free and completely confidential and gives you a place to turn for support any time of day or night, 365 days a year. Support is available for whatever issues you might be facing, including work stress, depression, marriage and relationship issues, legal concerns, coping with change, parenting issues, financial problems, health issues and much more. Experienced professional counsellors are available to listen to your concerns, determine appropriate resources and then help you take the next steps.
People Development Open Courses and Online Training
There are a number of development opportunities and online courses available to all employees which can be booked through logging in to UoRLearn. Topics available include:
- Managing Change
- Managing Stress
- Developing Resilience
Health, Advocacy, Respect and Care Network
The Health, Advocacy, Respect and Care (HARC) network comprises volunteers from amongst the University's staff to provide informal and confidential peer-to-peer support to staff. HARC advisers have a supportive role, listening to concerns of any member of staff who feels they need someone to talk to but are unable to approach a colleague or line manager, or don't know where to turn for advice. HARC advisers can signpost colleagues to support and resources available in the University.
Occupational Health
Occupational Health can provide you with specific advice and guidance on how to manage stress. The Occupational Health service is delivered by a team of health professionals who specialise in helping with the relationship between work and health. The OH team will also work in partnership with members of staff and their managers to resolve issues in the workplace that have an adverse effect on health. Together we aim to ensure that well-being at work is maintained and given the priority it deserves.
External links
How to Deal with Stress : the symptoms and causes of stress, and other useful advice from NHS Direct
Moodzone : advice for coping with stress, anxiety or depression from NHS Choices
Workplace Interventions : advice from the British Occupational Health Research Foundation for people with common mental health problems
Flexible Working : advice from GovUK on how to request flexible working
Discrimination: Your Rights : advice from GovUk on discrimination at work and what you can do
MIND : mental health charity in the UK, offering advice and support for mental health issues
Off Sick and worried about your job? An HSE report on steps you can take to help you return to work
Sickness Absence Management and return to work advice from the Health & Safety Executive
Useful documents
Defining a case of work-related stress
SMPCS Individual Stress Risk Assessment
Samaritans: Coping with Stress