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Dr Máté Lőrincz

Mate Lorincz profile picture

Chair of Health & Safety Committee for the School of the Built Environment



Building location

Chancellor's building

Areas of interest

  • Sustainable materials
  • Materials science
  • Renewables
  • Circular economy
  • Demand side management



CE1HMS History of the Built Environment, Material, and Structural Analysis (UG Year 1)

CE1ESE – Empirical Studies and Site Engineering (UG Year 1)


Contributing to:

CE1CCS – Construction Science (UG Year 1)

CE3PDR-Design Project for MEng (UG Year 3)

CEM360-Energy in Buildings and Building Simulation (MSc)

CEM350-Urban Energy Systems and Energy and the Environment (MSc)

Research projects


Dr. Lőrincz’s research addresses questions on residential energy consumption behaviour and associated environmental impacts.

In his research, he investigates the implications of institutional organisations on residential energy demand, as well as the impact of smart technologies on residential energy consumption.

His work has been applied to issues of energy demand-side management and smart building control systems.

Academic qualifications

  • Post-Doctoral Research Assistant 2018-2022 (University of Reading)
  • Phd 2017 (Keele University, School of Geography Geology and the Environment)
  • MSc 2012 (Coimbra University, Energy for Sustainability)
  • BSc in Economics 2007 (University of Babes-Bolyai, Economics)

Professional bodies/affiliations


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