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Other translational funding

Several different funding bodies provide innovation funding to support the translation and commercialisation of research.

A example of a funding body includes the UK Research Councils' Follow-on Fund (plus a range of other Council-specific schemes) which supports "proof-of-concept" type work. Impact Accelerators (IAAs) are also a good route to access funds for translational activities.

Several funders also offer access to Impact Accelerators.  When considering applying for translational funding, think about:

  • What is the value proposition of your product or service?
  • Who are the stakeholders for your product or service?
  • What is the market opportunity?
  • What is the expertise and support required to deliver on your project? Development of a product or service often requires a range of expertise.

Before making an application please contact your KTC Business Partner to discuss:

  • terms and conditions of the funder
  • potential background Intellectual Property
  • potential conflicts of interest with existing collaborative research portfolio
  • professional support required to deliver the project
  • letter of support from KTC (the University’s equivalent to a TTO).