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Dr Monica Vessio

Monica Vessio

Lecturer in

  • Commercial Law
  • Contract Law
  • Legal Skills

Areas of interest

  • Commercial Law (supply chains)
  • Banking law (regulatory aspects, digital currencies)
  • Smart Contracts and Blockchain
  • Circular Economy and sustainable supply chain solutions

Awards and honours

  • Academic Honorary Colours (LLM) (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
  • Co-Investigator : European Regional Development Fund (WEFO/ESIF) Project on Smart Contracts in a Circular Supply Chain
  • Co-Principal Investigator : Digital Societies Grow House Fund Data and Digital Governance for Key Strategic Infrastructure in the Context of a Transition to Net Zero 2050
  • Principal Investigator : funded by MMI Holdings Limited Interest Charges and Caps on Legacy Products     
  • Recipient, University of Pretoria Postgraduate Research Fund 
  • Co-Principal Investigator : Gauteng Department of Health Funded Project, South Africa on Recommendations on the Benefits and Risks Involved in the Provincialization of Emergency Services, Pretoria

Professional bodies/affiliations

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Senior Research Associate, Centre for Banking Law, University of Johannesburg
  • Member of the International Association of Consumer Law (IACL)
  • Member of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL)
  • Member of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS)
  • Member of the Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)
  • Qualified Attorney, Member of the Law Society of South Africa

Selected publications


  • Moorcroft, J and Vessio, ML Banking Law and Practice (LexisNexis, 2009 et seq.) updated annually

Selected Articles

  • Forthcoming (September 2024)Vessio ML, Beckmann A, Roach M, Saintier S Clements R, Setzer A ‘InPerpetuity{Challenging Misperceptions of the Term ‘Smart Contracts’}’ European Journal of Law and Technology 
  • Vessio ML 'In Duplum and the Lump-Sum Loan: The Common Law and Section 103 (5) of the National Credit Act’South African Law Journal Volume 3, Part 3, 2019, p. 462 – 487 
  • Vessio ML ‘Section 127 of the National Credit Act: A Form of Statutory Repudiation? – How it Modifies the Common Law’ Speculum Iuris, Volume 30, Part 1, 2016, p. 67 – 79
  • Vessio ML ‘A Short Discussion on the Effects of the In Duplum rule upon Commencement of Litigation and after Judgment. A View Both 'inside' and 'outside' the National Credit Act’ Obiter, Volume 31, Issue 3, 2011, p. 725 – 734
  • Vessio ML ‘Beware the Provider of Reckless Credit’ Journal of South African Law / Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2009, p. 274 – 289
  • Vessio ML ‘What does the National Credit Regulator Regulate?’ South African Mercantile Law Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2008, p. 227 – 242
  • Vessio ML ‘A Limit on the Limit on Interest? The In Duplum Rule and the Public Policy Backdrop' De Jure, Volume 1, Issue 39, 2006, p. 25 – 36

Book Chapters

  • Forthcoming (October 2024): Adekunbi A and Vessio ML CBDC: Diminished Privacy? Analysing the Impact of Nigeria’s Enaira’ Annual Banking Law Update, Part 2, Issue 115, 2024
  • Forthcoming (2024): Vessio ML and Saintier S The (Servitised) Subscription Economy: Are Consumers Truly Empowered? Disruption, Innovation and Re-alignment in UK Consumer Law, C Twigg-Fletchner and J Devenney (eds) Hart Publishers 
  • Forthcoming (2024): Kelly-Louw and Vessio ML ‘Comparing Mechanisms to Curb Interest for Over-indebted Consumers under English and South African law’ Challenges Facing the Financial Consumer Protection (Hart)
  • Vessio ML ‘The Bank of England’s approach to Central Bank Digital Currencies - Considerations regarding a native digital pound and the regulatory aspects’, Fintech, AI and the Law, 2021
  • Vessio ML ‘To CBDC or not to CBDC’ Annual Banking Law Update, Part 2, Issue 114, 2020, p. 63 - 74
  • Vessio ML ‘Twin Peaks and the Operation of the Consumer Protection Act on Financial Products and Services’ Annual Banking Law Update, Part 2, Issue 113, 2019, p. 113 – 128
  • Vessio ML ‘The Financial Sector Regulation Act’ in Moorcroft J and Vessio ML Banking Law and Practice 2020 (LexisNexis, 2009 et seq.)
  • Vessio ML ‘Virtual Currencies’ in Moorcroft J and Vessio ML Banking Law and Practice 2019 (LexisNexis, 2009 et seq.)
  • Vessio ML and Moorcroft J ‘The Consumer Protection Act’ in Moorcroft J and Vessio ML Banking Law and Practice2016 (LexisNexis, 2009 et seq.) (24,668 words)
  • Vessio ML and Moorcroft J ‘The National Credit Act’ in Moorcroft J and Vessio ML Banking Law and Practice 2016 (LexisNexis, 2009 et seq.) (24,850 words)
  • Vessio ML ‘In Duplum’ in Moorcroft J and Vessio ML Banking Law and Practice 2014 (LexisNexis, 2009 et seq.) (97,429 words)

Research Seminars and Conferences

  • Presenter in Webinar : ‘Cryptoassets and the Law: Understanding Blockchain’ LexisNexis SA 23 February 2024 
  • Presenter in Webinar : ‘The Evolution of Contracts, What are Smart Contracts’ LexisNexis SA 18 April 2024
  • Speaker at Conference : ‘Can Relational Contract Theory be Pragmatically Customised to Framework Long-term Commercially Circular Relationships’ University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 30 November 2023.
  • Guest Speaker : ‘Blockchain Smart Contracts, Circular Economy and Servitisation, Lessons Learnt’ Queens University Belfast 9 November 2023
  • Presenter in Webinar : ‘Regulatory Aspects of Circular Economy’ Business School, University of Exeter 7 November 2023
  • Speaker at Conference : ‘What is a Smart Contract Really’ Blockchain and Law Conference, hosted by Exeter University Business School 2 November 2023 
  • Speaker at Conference : ‘When Smart Contracts meet Circular Economy: The Complexities of Drafting an on-chain Servitisation Agreements’ Biennual Modern Studies in Commercial Law Conference University of Reading 27 September 2023
  • Speaker at Conference : ‘Comparing Mechanisms to Curb Interest for Over-indebted Consumers under English and South African law’ International Association of Consumer Law International Conference Hamburg July 2023
  • Guest Speaker : ‘Do Smart Contracts Aid Circular Economy Models?’ Environmental Café Cornwall Campus University of Exeter May 2023
  • Panel Member : ‘Enabling Circular Economy Systems in the Future: How Blockchain, Open Innovation and Smart Contracts make this Possible’ Swansea Circular Economy Conference September 2022
  • Guest Speaker : ‘The Servitisation Model as a Potential Solution to Implement a Circular Supply Chain’ Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation School of Law University of Reading November 2022
  • Panel Member : ‘Smart Supply Chain Contracts’ Circular Economy Showcase, Cardiff Circular Economy ConferenceJune 2022
  • Speaker at Conference : ‘Societal Innovation and the Law: Reinventing or Harnessing the Wheel? SLS ConferenceLondon, September 2021
  • Guest Lecturer : ‘Banking from an International Perspective, Portugal and South Africa as examples’ LLM Banking Law Católica University, Porto, Portugal 2019
  • Guest Speaker : Annual Banking Conference hosted by Ombudsman for Banking Services – update on latest relevant developments (last quarter 2017, first half 2018) 2018
  • Speaker at Conference : Consumer Goods Council Conference ‘The National Credit Act and the Consumer Protection Act’
  • Guest Lecturer – LLM Credit Law - University of Pretoria ‘The in duplum rule’


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