Rachel Roberts

0118 378 2667
Associate Professor
- Subject Leader in Secondary English ITT
- Module Leader EDM001 Developing Expertise in Teaching - MA Ed
Areas of interest
- Discourse in Education, particularly in ITT
- Transition between key stages
- The use of Media and Moving Image in the classroom
- Expertise in teaching
- Observation as part of ITT and CPD in education
- Teaching of writing at KS2 and 3
- Mentorship
Research projects
- Critical Conversations - Capturing the Impact of Evaluative Language in Mentor Meetings in Initial Teacher Training (EdD Thesis).
- Emerging models of expert teaching in the era of performance related pay in England: the views of Experienced Head Teachers and Deputies (with Professor Andy Goodwyn).
- Secondary English teachers' perspective of their subject.
- Language and Literacy in Education Research Group - UoR
Rachel has written and delivered numerous training resources and materials for commercial companies, focusing on English and Media/Film.
Professional bodies/affiliations
- BERA SiG member: English in Education
- Member of the National Association of Teachers of English ITE Committee
- Member of the National Association of Advisors for English
Selected publications
Forthcoming academic publications include:
- ‘Should there be a core curriculum for ITE? Five Go on an Epistemological Adventure’ (co-author), forthcoming
- ‘A “Godlike Science”: English Teaching in Secondary Schools’ in Ontologies of English, University of Cambridge Press, forthcoming
Conference Presentations:
British Association for Applied Linguistics: (De)Constructing Englishes: Exploring the implications of ontologies of the language for learning, teaching, and assessment York St John University, Wed 24th - Fri 26th June 2015. Conference paper: 'A "Godlike Science": English Teaching in Secondary Schools'.