- Patricia Riddell (Chair)
- Louise Forrest (Secretary)
- Phil Beaman
- Ingo Bojak
- Laura Cocks
- Helen Dodd
- Dan Lamport
- Christos Pliatsikas
- Carien Van Reekum
- Adrian Whyte

Committee members
Committee mission
The mission of our Equality and Diversity Committee is to provide an inclusive work environment that enables all individuals to succeed independently of their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or any other protected characteristic as defined in the Equality Act (2010).
The committee advises on priorities for action across the School, ensures benefits from equality and diversity actions are embedded in policies and practice, and ensures that our proposed activities align with other institutional strategies and priorities.
Committee terms of reference
- Provide a self-assessment of the School's position in relation to equality and diversity principles
- Survey staff on a regular basis to determine areas of strength and weakness in relation to equality and diversity
- Create an action plan for Athena SWAN to identify actions with measurable targets to improve equality and diversity across the School
- Implement actions from the Athena SWAN action plan and measure results of these actions
- Ensure benefits from related activity and plans are sustainable, embedded in policies and practices
- Ensure proposed activities and plans align with other institutional strategies, priorities and policies
- Communicate progress and highlight achievements both internally and externally
- Expect to engage with other charter marks when these come online, such as Stonewall and the Race Equality Charter mark
- Hold two meetings per term to discuss and implement these actions.

Policies and useful links

Flexible working