Arpita Bose

+44 (0) 118 378 6105
Associate Professor
Lead for Early Career Researchers
Organizer for External Seminar Series
Module Convenor and Lecturer: Speech Language and Communication Disorders (PL3SLCD3/PLMCI3R) and Introduction to Speech-Language Pathology (Pl3ISL/PLMISL)
Dissertation supervision (MSci, MSc, PhD) and Research Placement Supervision
Areas of interest
I am a clinically trained Speech-Language Therapist with research training in aphasia and other neurogenic disorders from the University of Toronto and University of Windsor, Canada. I lead a diverse, inter-disciplinary and multi-method research programme focusing both on theoretical and clinical aspects of language production in acquired neurological disorders. My primary research focus is on extending the theoretical understanding of the interplay between cognitive, linguistic and speech motor processes during language production in monolingual and bilingual populations (e.g., aphasia, dementia, healthy ageing). My research group studies both monolingual and bi-/multi-lingual populations with a strong focus on aphasia, dementia, rehabilitation, and the neural basis of language processing. My research incorporates four distinct lines of work, which include:
1. Experimental research to test the interface of linguistic, speech-motor and cognitive control in language production, involving patients with aphasia
Using theoretically motivated experimental paradigms, I strive to untangle the true nature of language production impairments in aphasia, which is thought to be primarily linguistic in nature. Using multimethod approaches, I have demonstrated that language production difficulties in aphasia are exaggerated by increased speech motor and cognitive demands even in simple tasks, such as word production. In addition, I have demonstrated that incorporating speech motor treatment strategies in linguistic approaches result in better treatment outcomes for language production in aphasia. We also investigate cognitive and linguistic mechanisms underlying successful language production in other clinical populations.
2. Experiments examining language production in bilingual and multilingual clinical populations including aphasia, dementia, multiple sclerosis
Moving beyond monolingual populations, I have implemented my expertise to improve our understanding of language production in bilinguals and multilinguals, especially in under-explored South Asian languages. Related to this, I have conducted several studies to examine the nature of linguistic impairments and cognitive control in various bilingual populations, including aphasia, multiple sclerosis and healthy ageing. This research has a major impact in diversifying the aphasia literature as I have successfully documented language impairments in under-researched bilingual populations. We are continuing to investigate the relationship between inflectional richness of languages (e.g., English, German, Spanish, Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam) and its impact on manifestation of language production impairments in bilingual and multilingual clinical populations. Importantly, we are interested in identifying tasks (e.g., connected speech vs. sentence repetition vs picture naming) that best capture the linguistic impairments in these populations and can be translated for clinical practice.
3. Connected speech research in under-explored languages and populations to facilitate diagnosis and interventions
A natural progression of my research program from bi-/multi-lingualism now involves characterizing connected speech characteristics to identify language-specific diagnostic markers in various forms of dementias in under-explored languages, such as South Asian languages as well as less explored European languages. Findings from this line of research have challenged our approach of utilizing English linguistic markers for dementia diagnostic workup for structurally different languages. This ongoing work also examines the cross-linguistic similarities and differences across languages to improve differential diagnosis in various neurological conditions.
4. Mechanistic research to determine influences of successful word production and therapy in aphasia
Another major focus of my research has been to inform the mechanisms underlying word production in aphasia, especially in difficult-to-treat forms of aphasia, such as jargon aphasia. Through theoretically driven experiments, I have demonstrated how variation of cues leads to successful word production. Importantly, in a series of therapy studies, I have demonstrated the relationship between cue processing and treatment responsiveness.
My research has been supported by funding from various national and international bodies, for example, the British Academy, Wellcome Trust, NHS Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust, ERSC SeNSS PhD Studentship, Felix International PhD Studentships, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. I welcome enquires from individuals interested in pursuing PhD studies, as well as potential clinical and research collaborators.
Research centres and groups
- Language and Cognition
- Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics (CINN).